Charleston Spirit of Giving Day NonProfit Palooza
Sat, Aug 17, 2024 at 11am
August 17 is National Non-Profit Day. To celebrate, Skirt. magazine, its 501(c)3 program for girls 14-24, the MiniSkirt, Ghost Monkey Brewery and Striped Pig Distillery, through their Sip & Share Program is hosting Charleston's Spirit of Giving Day NonProfit Palooza to spread the word about all the great organizations helping the community and really engage the community to brumch. browse, learn and give. This will be the biggest gathering of nonprofits doing fundraisers on one day under one roof.
The day starts with a delicious brunch (11 am to 1 pm) with live entertainment and community leaders recognized for their charitable giving. Then from 1 to 3 pm, the NonProfit Palooza, featuring up to 50 local nonprofits will have tables and booths with information about their organizations and how you can get involved as a donor, supporter or volunteer. Each NonProfit will have their own individual fundraising at their table, plus there will be a Community Raffle with proceeds to be divided among all of the participating nonprofits. So come out and support!
Can't Make the Event But You'd Like to Support? CLICK HERE TO DONATE and your donation will be divided between all participating NonProfits
Participating.Non-Profits include:
MiniSkirt — to provide young ladies ages 14-24 with financial literacy, business building, communication and healthy living skills through mentorship, peer-to-peer connections, trainings, community involvement activities, and more.
Sweet J's Clubhouse — helping children ages 8-18 deal with grief after suffering the loss of a loved one
Strive High Academy — Coffee shop inspiration for young entrepreneurs
Shared City — We are Charleston's go-to organization for individuals seeking to be fully equipped, trained and connected to make a positive impact in their communities. "We connect the builders, doers and seekers of our city so their efforts can be strong, effective and long-lasting in our communities." Shared City is "an actionable initiative using connection, training, and collaboration to reset and reframe the ways we give our time, talents, and money."
YWCA Greater Charleston — the community's leading nonprofit agency for empowering women, strengthening youth and families, and working toward racial justice. We are dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
Jerseys for Juniors — We provide hope and happiness to kids in need through the world of sports. Our primary service areas is putting together sports care packages full of memorabilia for kids in the hospital. Our secondary service branches are assisting families in the community with recreational sports equipment/gear and/or registration fees and working with youth group homes to add in a sports component to their lives.
Leveling the Fields — We are an organization aimed at getting young girls from disadvantaged areas into sports, and helping them to stay active. We remove barriers certain families face such as financial barriers. We want young girls to have the same opportunities that everyone else has.
Tri-County SPEAKS — Tri-County S.P.E.A.K.S. Sexual Assault Center offers free support and services for survivors of sexual assault in Charleston, Dorchester, and Berkeley.
Epworth Children's Home: Lowcountry Foster Care — South Carolina foster families and the children in their care are fully supported by Epworth’s commitment to excellence. Epworth licenses individuals and married couples across the state of South Carolina for both Family Foster Care and Therapeutic Foster Care. We maintain offices in the Greenville/Upstate area, Rock Hill, the Midlands, the Pee Dee region, the Lowcountry, and Hilton Head, so a supportive Epworth staff member is always close at hand. Foster families benefit from proven, research-based training and around-the-clock support from Epworth Foster Care staff members. The children who reside with private foster families can also benefit from participating in the many additional resources that Epworth offers to families across their array of programs. The Foster Care Program serves children in our state by incorporating Epworth’s commitment to providing comprehensive care for all clients. Epworth’s pledge to recruit loving, nurturing families builds upon strong existing relationships within United Methodist congregations and other community networks.
Her Future Coalition — Since 2005 Her Future has been creating powerful and positive change in the lives of women and girls. We break the cycle of poverty and exploitation by providing education – and a full range of services that support education – to survivors and the most vulnerable girls in India and Nepa, however our Development Team is based in India + Nepal.
Bliss Spiritual Co-Op — Bliss Spiritual Co-op is a soul nourishing space to incubate dreams and connect humanity. All are welcomed and encouraged to join us.
Parents Partnership — We help parents share resources to ease their struggles and make happier families.
Representation Matters — We are a grassroot organization that provide children in underprivileged communities with literature that will represent them in every way. We currently serve the N. Charleston, SC community and surrounding areas.
Radiant Academy — We are a childcare center located in the Ferndale Community. We service children 6 weeks - 5 year olds.
USS Yorktown Foundation — The USS Yorktown Foundation is the designated support organization for Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum. As a 501(c)3, the Foundation funds educational scholarships, the preservation of military history, and informative exhibits throughout the museum. Through these efforts, the Foundation promotes America's traditions of service, leadership, duty, and sacrifice to inspire future generations.
Bitcoin Outreach & Education — We are the BEEs – providing Bitcoin Education and Empowerment in your community. The purpose of the BOE Group Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is to promote Bitcoin through education and outreach within the community. We aim to engage with local groups, including churches, community centers, chambers of commerce, civic organizations, and farmers markets, and lunch and learns, to educate individuals on the benefits of Bitcoin.
Florence Crittenton Programs of South Carolina — We serve as the only maternal care home for pregnant and parenting minors in the State. We build strong families, healthy teens, and self-sufficient young adults by providing education, counseling, medical care, social support, and a safe haven for our clients.
South Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition — The South Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition (SCBFC) promotes, protects and supports the art and science of human milk feeding as the superior form of nutrition and nurture for infants and young children. Through community and professional support and organization, SCBFC works to ensure that breastfeeding, an important public health issue, will become the societal norm for feeding infants and young children in South Carolina.
Let's Walk — Good people. Helping. One walk at a time. We connect trained, background checked volunteers with walkers at their homes to meet and walk together in the community. Walkers are all screened by a licensed therapist and distance, pace and device required are predetermined. We serve in the trip county area and have completed 2,300 walks. Our service is always free and we depend on grants and individual donations to cover expenses. The majority of our walkers are seniors and our volunteers are 16-82. All demographics represented.
Palmetto Community Care — For nearly 32 years Palmetto Community Care has made it our mission to assist those living with HIV and AIDS by providing a full spectrum of compassionate care and supportive services, while busting myths, breaking down barriers and inspiring hope. We are constantly working toward bringing an end to the HIV epidemic through increased HIV testing, prevention and education. We believe no one living with HIV or AIDS should go without medical care, everyday resources and emotional support.
Heart Math Tutoring — Heart Math Tutoring gives young students successful experiences in math through one-on-one, volunteer-delivered tutoring during the school day. We serve elementary aged students who would benefit from additional support in foundational math but might not otherwise have access to private tutoring.
Charleston Promise Neighborhood — Charleston Promise Neighborhood (CPN) serves "The Neck" of Charleston, a 5.6 square mile area of Charleston County and North Charleston, one of the most under-resourced corridors in the state. Generations of residents raised in the Neighborhood have consistently had limited access to quality education, housing, transportation, and employment opportunities. Within our footprint, we serve approximately 28,000 residents and 1351 students in our Title 1 elementary schools and 757 students in our Title 1 middle schools. CPN provides wrap-around services for students and their families within our schools, including school-based health programs, after-school programs, summer programs, family engagement events, and field trip opportunities. We also provide community engagement efforts to our local Neighborhood Associations through regular attendance at community meetings, and by connecting partners with local organizations to assist in their advocacy efforts in their own communities.
Just Bee — Just Bee supports the Autistic & Neurodivergent Community through education, awareness and technology
NAMI -- Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals who live with mental illnesses and for their families by promoting the availability of effective services and resources, through education, support and advocacy.
Joey Morant All That Jazz — Helping OUR MUSICALLY GIFTED YOUTH and THEIR FAMILIES from UNDERSERVED communities in CHARLESTON and the TRI-COUNTY area." We provide "NEEDS BASED HELP" to these students and their families. Whatever that need may be, in order to lessen the weight on the student who is thriving Musically. The student must * Excel in MUSIC. * A tleast "comfortably" passing ACADEMICALLY. * Must play a significant role as part of the FAMILY UNIT. * Be active, at least monthly in some form of, approved and verified, COMMUNITY SERVICE.
ROTOR (Reaching Out To Others Relentlessly) — ROTOR provides mentoring, trade classes, academic support, and college readiness support for under resourced youths and young adults.
Increasing H.O.P,E. Financial Training Center — Increasing H.O.P.E (Helping Others Prosper Economically) operates as a one-stop educational resource, providing integrated services to help families, individuals and entrepreneurs achieve financial stability and build assets. North Charleston-based Increasing H.O.P.E. is helping families of modest income reverse the cycle of debt, build wealth through investing and home ownership, and start successful businesses through a series of programs that address both the mechanics of saving and investing and the psychological transformation required to do so. Serving the tri-county and areas beyond, Increasing H.O.P.E. educates individuals, families, and entrepreneurs in financial literacy, completes tax returns, assists in preventing foreclosures and provides free investment counseling.
Sunflowers of Hope — Giving back to the Community by fighting Homeless, Food Insecurity, and Human Dignity.
South Carolina Multilingual Learner Educator Network — The goal of the South Carolina ML Educator Network is to connect all educators of multilingual learners in South Carolina with instructional support, networking opportunities, and advocacy. We are a growing teacher-led network that supports all educators of multilingual learners (MLs) in South Carolina. This includes ML specialists, content teachers, support staff, administrators, counselors, and district personnel.
DAE Foundation -- DAE Foundation provides an active, fun way for children to learn about the importance of physical activity, healthy nutrition, and social emotional development, building healthy, positive, and productive community citizens. DAE collaborates with our community partners to provide accessible Basketball Education, free Community Events, and Afterschool Programming.
The Broken Link Foundation — We help families of the missing & trafficked.
The Lonon Foundation — Our mission is to help children affected by their parent or caregiver’s cancer diagnosis find comfort, heal and grow from their shared experiences. We help children 0-17.
Dest1ned 4 Gr8ness — To mentor, educate, guide and lead the youth of today to a better tomorrow.
Learn Earn Earn Learn (L.E.E.L.) — Earn Earn Learn (L.E.E.L.). s the nonprofit entity of Entrepreneurs Centers for Youth, (EC Youth). Our mission is to “build youth entrepreneurs and entrepreneur centers too, each youth is their own center.” We provide financial literacy , awareness and education through entrepreneurship, encouraging school attendance, mentoring, tutoring, volunteering and creating portfolios. Financial educational opportunities, experiences and exposure are given to our target group, youth that are 17 and younger, their families, friends and communities.
Be a Mentor — Mentorship-Youth
Soul Harvesters Outreach Ministries — Our organization provide wrap around services to the underserved. We also provide conflict resolution to youth, through social and emotional learning.
Like MInded Charleston — n-person events in Charleston, SC where like minded female founders can come to amplify their voice, build personal relationships, and thrive in business.
Filmdomfete — We published Linda Dennis/book about A Backpack Journalist that contains stories of students’ success and lesson plans to encourage other youth leaders and parents and teachers to teach writing, photojournalism and iPad storytelling using the “backpack methods” plus filmmaking. In 2025 we bring in the films if Charlie Chaplin and classes for underprivileged youth on Pantomime. The new book that also appears in Amazon Aug 12, will be at booth and retails for $20. We can donate one also. Will have on hand our sCDOR documents.
Carolina Studios — Carolina Studios is a non-profit music education organization that teaches at-risk youth how to write, record, and produce their own music on a mobile recording studio that travels around the low-country to schools, Summer camps, and community events.
Edifying Hope — helping those aging out of foster care to be supported and guided with love and compassion.
Coastal Ctisis Chaplaincy — helps first responders and victims of tragedies find peace and comfort.
Waylyn Heart Team -- a resource for the Waylyn community to beautify and unify. Provides activities and events to bring the community together to end gun violence and redu e crime.
Dorchester Paws -- Dorchester Paws, formerly known as Frances R. Willis SPCA, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of animals in Dorchester County, South Carolina. Dorchester Paws is the only open-admission shelter in Dorchester County, serving towns including Rosinville, Ridgeville, Oakbrook, St. George, Summerville, and Grover, SC. Partnering with Dorchester Code Enforcement, we take in every lost, abandoned, and abused animal and provide them with food, shelter, and medical attention until they find their forever home. We strive to instill humane principles into society through the prevention of cruelty to animals by championing responsible pet ownership, ending unnecessary euthanasia, and ending over pet population. We are dedicated to reducing pain and fear in our community’s animals and are proud to say that our staff and volunteers are fear free certified. Our shelter was established in 1972 by Frances R. Willis with land donated by Westvaco. Dr. Brunson Westbury and Frances R. Willis worked to get the road built and land cleared to open the facility. Over the years, the shelter has been expanded, but we continue to reach and exceed our capacity because our community is growing and the pet overpopulation crisis is not abating.
PLUS, we will have a couple specialty booths who will be donating some of their proceeds to support thees amazing nonprofits:
M&N Stories — We are successful local authors..."The Blue Pearl Series" by Mark & Nadia. We are on a crusade to get kids reading again because it will help them and our wonderful community.
TrueLight by Susan Kraber — Mahikari is light energy: a positive, spiritual energy is transmitted from the palm of the hand to the receiver. This energy purifies and revitalizes the spirit, mind, and body.One of the best ways to initiate a natural and sustainable change process in oneself at the deepest level of consciousness is to give and receive light energy and practice the universal principles.Sessions are 7 to 10 minutes, and there is no charge.
Trendy Paints and Twists — fairy hair, and glitter tattoos,
If you have items you would like to donate for the Community Raffle or Silent Auction, please email SpecialProjects@SkirtSmarts.com. We appreciate your support.
Admission to the NonProfit Palooza is FREE. Brunch tickets are $25 (includes brunch and 1 drink ticket).
Live music and entertainment throughout the day.
We appreciate your support.